Hi, I’m Ben,
Thank you for finding your way here!
I’m a meditation and mindfulness teacher, stillness coach, nature lover, a curious and heart centered human being with a vision – the Peacekeeper Project.
I know deep in my heart (and so do you) that a peaceful and connected world will be a result of peaceful and connected people.
My mission (and that of the Peacekeeper Project) is to help create a more peaceful and connected world by helping people just like you quiet your busy mind, so you can live from your Heart.
We’re living at a time when the ability to quiet the mind is needed now more than ever!
With so many things competing for our attention we’re over-stimulated, stressed, and most importantly we’re becoming disconnected from our heart and the people and things that are truly important.
But it doesn’t have to be like this!
The Peacekeeper Project provides education and training to help you clear your mind and reconnect to the wisdom and power of your heart, so you can navigate this fast-paced modern world grounded in peace, clarity and deep connection.
You’re part of something greater than yourself!
Personal transformation based on a greater vision of humanity at large.
We’re all deeply connected.
But you already know this.
You feel it!
When you transform your life by igniting the flame in your heart, this will radiate out into the world, touching the lives of your family, friends and the people you interact with.
The Peacekeeper Project was founded on the principle that if we want to create more peace in the world we must know what peace is.
Because the idea is not enough!
To make a difference we must know peace from the inside.
The idea of peace and the experience of it are two very different things. The first is just that, a nice idea. But a knowing of peace on the inside that comes from direct experience, this has the potential to change the world – and transform you along the way.
When our mind is full of non-stop chatter, emotions, stories and dramas, we’re continually filtering our life experiences, creating stress and anxiety, while projecting our inner conflicts outward onto other people and things, creating a “you vs me” mentality (the foundation for conflict).
Inner conflict leads to outer conflict.
But a peaceful and connected world will be a result of peaceful and connected people.
When we reconnect to the stillness and peace inside ourselves, our actions and words are transformed, and will naturally come from a space of peace and clarity… Not just the idea of what we “think” we should do.
Our actions and words become grounded in the peace, clarity and wisdom of our heart, while creating ripples into the world through the lives of the people around you.
This is how we will help make the world a more peaceful and connect place.
“We can never make peace in the outer world until we make peace with ourselves”
~ Dalai Lama
What is a Peacekeeper?
We often think of a peacekeeper as someone outside of our self… Someone “out there” we give the job to of maintaining peace in the world.
This is flawed!
Conflict and turmoil in the world is a reflection of the conflict and turmoil in ourselves.
We can’t expect someone else to take care of the peace in the world if we’re unwilling to take care of it inside ourselves… It’s time for us to step up and take responsibility for our actions and the impact they have in the world around us.
Because we’re part of something far greater than ourselves!
The Essence of a Peacekeeper is PEACE.
When we connect to the peace in our heart, we become a Peacekeeper. As a result we naturally think bigger than our self, because we feel a deep sense of connection to others and all things.
The peace inside us radiates out through our presence, words, actions, impacting family, friends, community and humanity.
A Peacekeeper holds a higher aspiration for humanity.
A Peacekeeper is someone who:
- Cultivates inner peace rather than just an idea.
- Seeks understanding and truth rather than conflict or trying to prove pre-held beliefs.
- Realizes they’re part of something greater than themselves (humanity) and desire to make a positive impact in the lives of others.
- Realizes their outward actions are a result of their inner state of mind, and so strive to maintain the integrity of their words and actions.
Living from your heart, with a deep sense of stillness and peace – regardless of what life throws at you.
You can learn to do this!
What if by doing that you made in impact in the lives of others?
You will!
When you ground peace inside yourself, you not only gain freedom from the conflict and turmoil inside yourself, but you also stop adding to the conflict and turmoil in the world.
With peace anchored into your heart, every interaction you have will be an opportunity to share that peace.
Peace in your heart is a win win for everyone!
This is what it means to be a Peacekeeper.
It’s time to drop out of your busy head and into the peace, clarity and power of your heart.
Take some time to explore this website and my various offerings.
As you explore don’t just read… Feel it.
What part of you does this speak to?
If you’d like to get a deeper sense of me and the Peacekeeper Project go ahead and download a Free Guided Meditation, enroll in my Free Intro to Meditation online course, or follow me on my YouTube channel.
If you want to just dive right in, Finding Stillness is my 21 day comprehensive immersion into meditation, mindfulness and living from the heart.
This is not only about learning to quiet your busy mind, find peace and clarity, or connect to your heart… Yes, those are essential life skills for this modern world, but this is also about realizing you’re part of something greater than yourself.
The world needs your heart to shine!
I’d love to hear from you. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out.
In Peace,
Ben Fizell